David's "be Thou their shepherd" prayer in this psalm portrays how humans are free to roam the pastureland that The Lord created for His "sheep." Jesus Christ frequently used the same analogy e.g. "I am the good shepherd; I know My own and my own know Me, as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will heed My voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:14-16 RSV).

"A Psalm of David. To Thee, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the Pit [see Sheol and Hades; also What Happens When You Die?]. Hear the voice of my supplication, as I cry to thee for help, as I lift up my hands toward Thy Most Holy Sanctuary.Psalm Chapter 29
Take me not off with the wicked, with those who are workers of evil [see Evil Means Fool], who speak peace with their neighbors, while mischief is in their hearts [see Glass Houses]. Requite them according to their work, and according to the evil of their deeds; requite them according to the work of their hands; render them their due reward. Because they do not regard the works of The Lord, or the work of His hands, He will break them down and build them up no more. Blessed be The Lord! for He has heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.
The Lord is the strength of His people, He is the saving refuge of His anointed [see Ointment]. O save Thy people, and bless Thy heritage; be Thou their shepherd, and carry them for ever." (Psalm 28:1-9 RSV)
Ironically, "nature" is often more aware of God than humans are i.e. "But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of The Lord has done this?" (Job 12:7-10 RSV)

"A Psalm of David. Ascribe to The Lord, O heavenly beings [see The Host Of Heaven and What Do Angels Do?], ascribe to The Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to The Lord the glory of His Name [see What Is God's Name?]; worship The Lord in holy array.Psalm Chapter 30
The voice of The Lord [see All That Are In The Graves Shall Hear His Voice] is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders, The Lord, upon many waters. The voice of The Lord is powerful, the voice of The Lord is full of majesty. The voice of The Lord breaks the cedars, The Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon to skip like a calf, and Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of The Lord flashes forth flames of fire. The voice of The Lord shakes the wilderness, The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of The Lord makes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forests bare; and in his temple all cry, "Glory!"
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; The Lord sits enthroned as king for ever. May The Lord give strength to His people! May The Lord bless His people with peace!" (Psalm 29:1-11 RSV)
Although the Psalm was likely sung again "at the dedication of the Temple" (Psalm 30:1 RSV), the original composition had to be referring to David's palace (see The Zion Bridge) which was completed before the Temple, while David was still alive. The King James translates the verse as "the dedication of the house of David."

"A Psalm of David. A Song at the dedication of the Temple. I will extol Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast drawn me up, and hast not let my foes rejoice over me. O Lord my God, I cried to Thee for help, and Thou hast healed me. O Lord, Thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit.
Sing praises to The Lord, O you His saints [see What Is A Saint?], and give thanks to His Holy Name. For His anger is but for a moment, and His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
As for me, I said in my prosperity, "I shall never be moved." By Thy favor, O Lord, Thou hadst established me as a strong mountain; Thou didst hide Thy face, I was dismayed. To Thee, O Lord, I cried; and to The Lord I made supplication: "What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the Pit? [see also The Quick and The Dead] Will the dust praise Thee? Will it tell of Thy faithfulness? Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me! O Lord, be Thou my helper!"
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; Thou hast loosed my sackcloth [see Sackcloth and Ashes] and girded me with gladness, that my soul may praise Thee and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee for ever." (Psalm 30:1-12 RSV)
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